Four Instagram Posts For Your #SnowdaySelfie Extravaganza

1. The “I Woke Up Like This(formerly the “Feeling like P. Diddy”)


The IWULT is the breakfast of selfies; essential for setting the tone for the entire day. It’s a snow day! It’s your day; wake up early! Get up by 5:30 to make sure you’re ready for that 8:37 AM post.

2. Bikini/fitness guru
Bring your milkshake to the yard, but don’t spill it on their ankles

Pro-tip: Grab a pic from your ~summer ’11~ album, flip it horizontally, and increase the contrast until it looks like there’s snow everywhere. Can you believe I took this #snowdayselie on a sunny day over 41 months ago?! Cause neither of my Moms could!

3. MCM
(even though it’s not Monday! Just to remind the hunks in your life that you’re a horny, horny bitch)

Mmmm beef stroganoff and beef bolognese 😉

I usually go with hockey players to really sell the “cold and helpless” angle. These two (Satchel Malone and Rush Plunker) both won the Stanley Cup last year — for bein’ so fine!

4. Your favorite picture of Christ

Good Lord just nail me like a cross

Let the boys know you’re God-fearing.

Bonus Selfie!

Thanks for reading! I wish you the best and warmest #SnowDay of your life!


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